An overview of Renaissance Age in English Literature

 The Renaissance age (15th-17th century) was like the silver lining for English literature as in this period there was an enhancement in literature, knowledge, art, religion, and science. There was an enhancement in almost every field of life. That's why this period was known as the golden period of England. Before the Renaissance period, there was darkness in literature but enlightenment prevailed during the Renaissance period.

Renaissance is derived from the Latin word Renacanze which means revival or rebirth. In this period, there was the rebirth of everything: literature, science, art, and religion, so that's why, this period is known as the Renaissance period. 

In the Elizabethan period. Turkey invaded to Greek, and Greek philosophers fled to Europe. Vas-co-de-gama discovered half of the earth. He circumnavigated the earth. Columbus discovered America. Nicolaus Copernicus discovered the solar system. William Caxton invented the printing press which indicates the advancement in science.

In religion, the Renaissance period was also flourishing. Henry 7 has played an important role. He is the developer of the protestants. Martin Luther King translated the religious book Bible into Latin while John Kalvin translated the book in the French language. There were seven testimonials in Christianity. The changes in the book caused to make sects. There were two sects. Catholic and Protestants. 

Catholics were conservative while Protestants were advanced and talked about humanism. Martin Luther was in favor of changes while Henry 7 was against these changes.  He married to Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth gave him the title of FIENDER DEFENDER. Later he was in favour of changes and developed a sect called Protestantism.

Talking about the main elements of literature during the Renaissance period, they talked about man, that man is the center of this universe. Geocentric, the concept of Mother Earth was also introduced. They brought the concept of humanization. 

William J. Long had said about the man that;

He has got one inner self and the other one is outer self.

There was also an enhancement in art. Michelangelo was a famous painter of that era. 

Famous writers of this age are Sir Thomas More, Sydney, Spenser, Shakespeare, and Marlowe. 

Sir Thomas More wrote Utopia in which he emphasized the imaginary world. There was a fictional island. He talked about chaos in Europe.

Sydney was another writer of that era who had a famous work called Arcadia. In which he talked about the saints of people. The main theme was Christianity. Queen calls him Jewels of her Crown 

Spenser usually talked about marriages. He used to write hymns. His hymn of marriage was the most famous. He talked about the king and queen. The most famous work of Spenser was Faerie Queens. 

There was a group of writers at that time, known as University Wits which included: Marlowe, Lyly, Peele, Greene, Nash, and Lodge. Marlowe was a famous poet. He was a pioneer while Shakespeare and Ben Johnson were followers. Peele and Ben Johnson said about the mighty lines of Marlowe that;

By this, sad hero, with love unacquainted

Viewing Lender's face, fell down and fainted.

He kissed her and breathe life into her lips

Where with one displeased away she trips.

Marlowe is known for his Tragedy of Dr. Faustus, Tamburlaine, Jews of Malta and Edward 3 

Shakespeare was a follower of Marlowe. He usually talked about witches in his work. He was a sonnet writer. He said in his sonnet that

When in the Chronicle of wasted time 

I see description of the fairest wights 

And beauty that making beautiful old rhyme

In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights. 

So, it is concluded that the Renaissance age was a golden age and it was like a silver lining for English literature because there was an enhancement in every field whether it was literature, art, religion, or science and knowledge.


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