Art for Art's Sake and Art for Life's Sake in Literarure


The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture.


Art for art was coined in the early 19th century by the French philosopher Victor Cousin

The phrase expresses the belief held by many writers and artists, especially those associated with Aestheticism, that art needs no justification and serves no political, didactic, or other end.

Art never expresses anything but itself.

(Oscar Wilde)

Life imitates art for more than art imitates life 

(Oscar Wilde) 

We need religion for religious sake 

Morality for morality sake

And art for art same. 

( Victor Cousin )

It is not for us to determine the purpose behind its existence but to enjoy it in every essence, whether poetry, literature, or simply a painting.

Everything is art because it means something to you and something else to another. 


Art is a form of self-expression. Many use it as a way of expressing a rage of feelings and emotions, exasperating feelings that every person has written their soul.

Good art is not what it looks like, but what it does to us.


I mean, art for art sake is ridiculous. Art is for the sake of one's needs.

(Carl Ande)

You need the art in order to love for life.

(Nicholson Baker)


It is concluded that art for art's sake is just for entertainment. It has no meaning. It is just for pleasure such as seen such as seen in FOUND POETRY.  It does not convey a message or meaning. It is just for beauty. It is just for attraction, the art which is made to attract but not make any sense literary. This is what we say art for art's sake. 

On the other hand art for life's sake means that art reflects life, conveys the meaning of life, and shows its purpose. As William J. Long said 

All art is the expression of life in the form of truth and beauty. 

Art for life sake means that we can convey messages to society. Art for life's sake is similar to art for morality's sake. It means that through art we can be warriors, we can be emotional, express our feelings, and visit the whole world just through the art. 

We can learn a lot of stuff from just reading books . we can see the world through the lens of other people's eyes. We can imagine and narrate ourselves to the character within that art. This is what we call art for morality's sake. 

To touch art is to touch mind and to touch mind is to touch life. 

(J. David Arnold)


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