Speak Fluent English: Increase Your Vocabulary of English


 Verb, to become less intense

When my anxieties get abated.

Oh Yes! My workload has abated.



 Adjective, abnormal

Her walk is aberrant because she has injuries in her leg.

Scientists feel an aberrant division of cells.



Noun, state of temporary inactivity.

The classes are in abeyance due to the road blockage.

The workshops have been in abeyance due to the current situation in the country.



 Verb, to leave hurriedly or secretly

The husband absconded from his wife because he forgot their anniversary

The son absconded to hide his marks from his father.



Adjective, someone who is moderate in regards to eating and drinking

The doctor recommended that he follow an abstemious diet.

She maintains an abstemious lifestyle to keep her health in good condition.



 Verb , to warn

She admonished Fatima to clear her dues before the due date.

The father admonished his son not to smoke




Verb to make something impure

They lost their customers due to adulterated products.

The milkman adulterated the milk by adding water and formaldehyde


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