What is a Language? Definition of Language.

  • Language is the expression of feelings, thoughts, or emotions. 
  • Language is the means of communication, without language, we can't talk communicate, or express our feelings and emotions.
  • It reveals our identity and the way we want to communicate with some person. 
  • The principal method of human communication 
  • Language is a sign system of humankind to communicate.
  • Language is a way to communicate and transfer our thoughts to others. 
  • Language is a way to communicate which reveals our thoughts to someone.
  • Language is the method of communication from one being to another. There are different types and ways to express language. For example body language and sign language.
  • Thoughts of a person expressed in a meaningful group of words for communication.
  • A language is a system of conventional spoken manual or written symbols by means and a system to connect with other people.
  • It is a tool for communication that connects people on a basic level it reveals our thought process the nuances (different in meaning, attitude, and opinion)of our personality, and social norms( a standard, model, pattern regarding as typical). 
  • Language is a main and basic way of communication and interactions with each other and the way to express our feelings and emotions 
  • Language is a system of communicating with people through emotions and feelings and different languages 
  • Language reveals our culture and identity.
  • Language is a system of signs to communicate thoughts.


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