Anglo Saxon Period in English Literature
Anglo Saxon period was known for the name of two tribes Angle and Saxon . In Britain, the Celts were used to live there. Angle, Saxon, and Jutes invaded there. There were fights and wars and Christianity was introduced. Most work was in oral form. There was a translation of literature from the Latin language to the old English language. In Britain, the natives were Celts, and Picts were attached to Celts. Roman which used to rule over England went back. Then Angle and Saxon invaded England, pushing Celts to the western side. Hence, the Anglo-Saxon age started. When Romans invaded Britain. They brought Christianity with them. As the native pagans , they have no religion. The one who translated the bible was Alfred the Great . Aldrich also played an important role in religious aspects. The Bible and the other work were translated from Latin to Old English. The old English is much more familiar with Germanic. Caedmeum and Cynwolf were religious poets. Bede was the f...